[Spring Boot] 범용성을 고려한 QueryDsl Custom Repository
Backend/Spring Boot & JPA
📕 목차1. 개요2. ExtendedRepository3. QueryDslUtil4. Test Case5. 실제 사용 사례1. 개요 📌 기존 방식의 문제점 Spring Data JPA :: Spring Data JPAOliver Gierke, Thomas Darimont, Christoph Strobl, Mark Paluch, Jay Bryant, Greg Turnquist Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided thatdocs.spring.ioJPA m..
[Spring Boot] Soft Delete 정책을 위한 @SQLRestriction은 좋은 방법일까? (feat. @Where) + 의문점 추가
Backend/Spring Boot & JPA
📕 목차1. 개요2. Function Aspect3. Architecture Aspect4. 결론1. 개요 📌 @SQLRestriction@SQLRestriction("deleted_at IS NULL")@SQLDelete(sql = "UPDATE user SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE id = ?")public class User { ...}  Is there a replacement for the in 6.3 deprecated @Where and @LoaderSince hibernate 6.3 org.hibernate.annotations.Where and Loader are deprecated. We are using these annotations together ..
[Spring Boot] Soft Delete 정책을 위한 @SQLDelete와 영속성 컨텍스트 간의 재밌는 점
Backend/Spring Boot & JPA
📕 목차 1. Soft Delete 반영 2. 동일성이 깨진다? 3. 고찰 1. Soft Delete 반영 📌 Annotation @Entity @Getter @Table(name = "user") @NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PROTECTED) @DynamicInsert @SQLRestriction("deleted_at IS NULL") @SQLDelete(sql = "UPDATE user SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE id = ?") public class User extends DateAuditable { ... @ColumnDefault("NULL") private LocalDateTime deletedAt; ... } @SQLDel..
[Spring Boot] 멀티 모듈 테스트 환경에서 @SpringBootApplication 충돌과 Component Scan
Backend/Spring Boot & JPA
📕 목차 1. 문제의 발단 2. 고민 과정 3. 해결 방법 4. 왜 external-api 모듈은 되고, infra 모듈은 안 됐을까? 1. 문제의 발단 📌 @SpringBootApplication 클래스의 충돌 Found multiple @SpringBootConfigration annotated classes [...] 📦pennyway ┣📦pennyway-app-external-api ┃ ┗ 📂src ┃ ┗ 📂main ┃ ┗ 📂java ┃ ┣ 📂kr.co.pennyway ┃ ┣ 📂api ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂apis ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂common ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂config ┃ ┗ 📜PennywayExternalApiApplication.java ┗📦pennyway-infra ┗ 📂src ┗ 📂main ┗ 📂java..