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Processor Implementation for MIPS
- Introduction
- CPU Performance Factors
- Logic Design Basics
- Information Encoded In Bynary
- Combinational Element
- State(Sequential) Element
- Simple Instruction Execution Step
- Program Counter
- Register Number
- Instruction Class
- Abstract Implementation View
- Assumption
- Clocking Methodologies
- Data path & Control
- Processor Design
- Fetch
- Decode
- Execute R Format
- Execute Load&Store
- Execute Branch
- Execute Jump
- Simple Datapath
- Fetch, R, and Memory Access Portion
- Multiplexor Insertion
- MUX for Branch
- Clock Distribution
- ALU Control
- Control Unit
- ALU Control
- Truth table
- Single Cycle
- Instruction Critical Path
- Advantage & Disadvantage
- Pipeline
- Concept
- Five Stage
- MIPS pipeline
- MIPS Pipelien Datapath (+Mods)
- State Register
- Register Category
- As-is
- To-be
- Control Unit of Pipeline
- Multicycle
- Overview
- Simple Graphically Representing
Pipeline Hazard
- Hazard
- Type
- Structural Hazard
- Data Hazard
- Control Hazard
- Data Forwarding(Bypass)
- Concept
- Control Condition
- Data Path
- LW-USE Hazard Detection Unit
- Stall
- Memory-to-Memory Copies (LW-SE)
- Control Hazard
- Approaches
- Two Types of Stall
- J : inevitable
- Conditional Branch
- Reducing the Delay of Branch
- ID Branch Forwarding Issue
- Worst Case (Branch Stall)
- Delayed Branch
- Evaluation of 3 plicies
Exploating Memory Hierarchy
- Basic Structure
- Memory Hierarchy
- Memory & Storage
- DRAM Memory Latency & Bandwidth
- Magnetic Disk Storage
- Flash Storage
- Flash Type
- Flash Memory Characteristic
- SDD vs HDD
- Leveling Architecture
- Level Policies
- Erase Before Write
- Out Place Update
- Address Mapping
- Garbage Collector
- Concept
- Minimum Write Overhead
- Maximum Free Page
- Page Access Patterns
- Why Use FTL
- Implementation
- Cell Level
- Locality
- Memory Wall
- Principle
- Advantage
- Memory Hierarchy
- Two Major Memory Performance Metrics
- Technologies
- Terminology
- Characteristics
Cache & Memory System
- Cache Basic
- How Managed?
- Two Main Perspective
- Direct Mapped Cache
- Concept
- MIPS Direct Mapped Cache
- Intrinsity FastMATH
- Advantage of Spatial Locality
- Evaluate
- Miss Rate vs. Block Size vs. Cache Size
- Block Size
- Cache Field Size
- Cache Hits
- Handling
- Cache Misses
- Source
- Read Misses (Single Word Block)
- Write Misses (Single Word Block)
- Combination
- Read Misses (Multi Word Block)
- Write Misses (Multi Word Block)
- System Bus
- Type
- One Word Wide Bus, One Word Block
- One Word Wide Bus, Four Word Block
- Four Word Wide Bus, Four Word Block
- Interleaved Memory, One Word Wide Bus
- Cache Performance
- Measuring
- Impacts
- Average Memory Access Time (AMAT)
- Miss Rate
- Associative
- Two-way Associative
- Four-way Associative
- Direct vs. Set Associative Comparsion
- Cost of Set Associative
- Befit of Set Associative
- Block Size
- Trade-off
- Effects in Multi-Core
- Miss Penalty
- Multi Level Cache
- Design Consideration
- Summary
- Improving Cache Performance
Memory & Storage
- Virtual Memory
- Concept
- Sharing Physical Memory
- Address Translation
- Virtual Addressing with Cache
- Translation Lookaside Buffers(TLBs)
- Concept
- TLB & Cache Interaction
- Event Combinations
- Advanced
- Why not a Virtually Addressed Cache?
- Synonym Problem
- Homonym Problem
- Summary
- Cache
- Main Memory
용량 왜 이렇게 크냐.
컴구 정리 기말.7z.001
컴구 정리 기말.7z.002
컴구 정리 기말.7z.003